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And He Jumps In! On the Rock Watering Cans Fixing Elliot's Goggles Time for One More Swim "All Done?" Popping them All Fun in the Balloons Handing out the Tacks Girl in the Balloons In the Balloons Gathering All the Balloons "I want to see it!!" Sharing Her Hat with Dad Super Heroes Miss Pouty Superheroes on the Rocks Fire Truck Playing in Uncle Chris' Lego Room Playing with Uncle Chris' Lego "What'cha Making??" Some Dinner Partying Andrew Fun in the Pool Taking Cover from all the Splashes Natalya and her Fox In the Pool with Mom Back in the Pool Sneaking Some Chocolate Waiting for Some Cake Cake Ready to be Cut "Okay, Enough Already!!" Everybody Look Up! Make a Wish! Yummy Looking Cake! All the Grandkids, plus One Happy Birthday Grandpa and Ainsley! Emily's Blue Balloon Marie Selfie with Cucumber "Wow!" A Blue Balloon Brady and his Little Sister Baby Siena